Monday, June 13, 2016

#79 "The fan is blowing on me" (By Grandma)

Again I read Dad's email before I began this one.  He really writes so well, and told all the details of our week.  I don't have much to add.  

But I think it is important to communicate with my children, so I will write something.

I'm sitting at my laptop
I've eaten dinner
A fan is blowing on me
I'm barefooted
My roots are grey
I finished my piece of carrot cake very quickly.  Dad has more self-control, but his is gone also.
I made cheese puffs today.  Remember them?  I found a store that had cheddar cheese.
We had surprise company for dinner today.
The elders ate with us today.
One of them had a Skype meeting during the dinner hour, so how could we eat in front of them?
I made spaghetti
One of the elders hates tomatoes.
I fixed one sauce with tomatoes, and one with finely tomatoes, so he wouldn't know.  
I have a little bit of sweat on my brow
Had my 4th rabies shot
Dad gave his fireside in a castle in Ankara*

* The church leases a building that used to be the Portugal Embassy.  It is huge and beautiful.  It has copper doors, beautiful bathrooms, a swimming pool in the basement, five levels, lots of rooms, lots of space.  I think of our hotel room where we hold our services and I feel jealous.  But at least we don't have to clean the castle.   We enjoyed meeting with members there for an evening.  There are four elders serving in that city.  They have several expat families connected to the State Department, Turks, Iranians, and others.    

Anyway, I love you all.  Wish we could be together this summer.  Save some of the fish in the streams for me.


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