Monday, August 17, 2015

#12 Lost 100 Pounds (By Grandma)

I have finally found a weight-loss program that really works. It doesn't involve special foods, pills, exercise, patches, creams, or work-out clothes.  It is called sweat.  If you live in a hot environment and all your sweat pores are in working shape you can shed many many pounds of excess fluid

The average adult female is 55% water.  So if you sweat a lot you can reduce a considerable amount of weight.  We have 5 gallon water jugs in our apartment. Each weighs about 20 pounds.  I figure that on a good day I can sweat out at least a 5 gallon jug of liquid.  If I do not drink much then  I am definitely ahead.

In order to sweat properly you need to stay away from any AC units.  You need to be sure you run your errands during the hottest part of the day.  And the brisker you walk the better the outflow. Be sure to take buses that are super crowded.  Crowds in themselves excite the sweat glands. When going out in the evening choose an outdoor cafe whose hot ovens are adjacent to the seating area.  

Weight loss from sweat isn't new or trendy, but it is better than a salt scrub and much cheaper.